Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Those Who Give the Most Get the Most

Those who give the most, get the most. And, if you've noticed, "It's all about me" just doesn't work.

The  Law of Reciprocity at work. One simple way to think about this is "If you want heat out of the stove, you gotta first put in some wood." I think this takes some time to learn; like many spiritual laws, it doesn't at first make logical sense. The mind thinks "Hey, if I give all my time, money, and energy to OTHERS, then I'll have none for myself." And on one level that's true. The reason the mind thinks this, is because it looks out on the world as a separate and singular entity focused on survival and does not see or experience the web of connections and energy CIRCULATING and always seeking balance.

Now, with that said, YOU DO have to be smart about educating people how to give to you, and you do have to be willing to receive. This is not a martyr thing we're talking about here. What we are talking about is our soul's path and service in the world - that place where we light up and the world lights up. Where giving IS receiving. The irony is that on the way to discovering this place, IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU. It often takes some serious introspection to get to the real heart of why you are here and what there is for you to do. However, eventually the tide must shift as you discover what difference this authentic work of yours makes in the world. At that point, it becomes about others AND you. It's not either/or, it's both/and.

Finding and giving your gifts is a major part of the rewards. It's about finding your unique place where giving truly becomes gaining. Welcome to the world of Both/And.

 We all have a role in the functioning of the community, at one or many levels. It's essential we each play our authentic, inspired role, while allowing others to play theirs, whatever that may be and however that may look. We are giving of ourselves in this role, and getting back everything: contentment, fulfillment, joy, inspiration.

Life Force Energy can be expressed and transmitted in an infinite number of ways, the question is: What is YOUR way? Find that, embrace that, and I guarantee you will be more than happy. You will "get" by giving of your true self in your true role.

 ALL WORK CAN BE SOUL WORK. It makes no difference WHAT you are doing. What matters is that it is YOUR WORK TO DO.

Spend a few minutes right now reflecting on how you are spending your days. How many of the moments in your typical day do you truly enjoy? Are you enthusiastic, lit up, and inspired? Or are you going through the motions looking forward to the weekends? Reflect on those moments where you are enthusiastic, where time stands still, where you feel relaxed yet excited. What is it about those moments that you love so much? Write it down, and then commit to doing more of that right now - you deserve it, and so do the people around you!

"Change yourself and fortune will change with you."~Portugese Proverb

Congratulations! You're one step closer to your mojo!

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