Sunday, November 18, 2012

Believing in Yourself, taking your first Step to Success

The most important step in the path of success is one's belief in themselves and there own abilities. In order to come to this point you must have confidence, determination, persistence and positive reinforcement. It bears saying that your own self-doubt will be the killer of your dreams, that is why it is your personal responsibility to surround yourself with people, events and situations that support you, your goals and dreams, but most of all you must fill your mind with positive affirmations to quiet the words of doubt that are most of the time self inflicted. Quiet the doubt in your mind by listing the things that you accomplish daily, make a list of goals, view them constantly, check off each as they are accomplished and add more to continue the process.  Surround yourself with the people who believe in you and your dreams, one's who can listen and bounce ideas off of, those who can teach and show you different views on how to accomplish your dreams and those who can provide emotional, moral and financial support. All others need to be eliminated regardless of the relationship, friend or family. In order to take this first step you must first clean house, dust off that doubts, polish off those negative friends and family, organize those shelves of goals, now move up those steps...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Build Your Team for Success

Success can not be found in an individual effort but the effort of a team of individuals of the same mind or the same goals. If you want success open yourself up to new ideals, discovery new avenues to doing what you love to do and build a team of like-minded passion people of action, have a personality that will attract and bring together the people that will be your success team. Keep constantly learning, reading and investigating new avenues, listen to one another so you can have harmonious communication between you and your team. Obtain all the knowledge you can and join with others with equal or more knowledge include your spouse and partner in your team, (remove anyone from your circle that is not supportive of your goals) it is important to surround yourself with continued positivity. Listen to audiobooks, motivational tapes, go to seminars do whatever it takes to make your dreams a success. Remember you must crawl before you walk ( as a baby develops they crawl and fall down but they never give up) you must walk before you run (the baby has to master walking before it learns to run) each step, each mistake is a stepping stone to your success.