Sunday, October 23, 2011

Believe in Yourself

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." -Willie Nelson

I am often asked why people stay in situations that make them unhappy, whether it's a job, relationship, financial situation or a health issue, weight etc. They say, "What is wrong with me?" Of course, most of the time these people have what they consider very legitimate excuses as to why they don't change things.

Even though they're miserable they seem to find a way to justify their misery; which brings us to the real issue, toxic thinking. What is it that you think about your situation, the one you wish was different, but isn't?

It's this basic core belief that you have chosen to hold onto that is exactly what keeps you stuck when you want to move forward. You have convinced yourself that there is no way out, that it's simply the hand you've been dealt in life and you're stuck with it.

In reality, you couldn't be further from the truth. This personal brain-washing has you captive in your own little cult. You begin to believe what you keep telling yourself, (What a concept!) as if it's the only way and there is no other. You are truly a prisoner of your own belief system.

What if you played devil's advocate with yourself? What if, just this once, you changed your mind, you decided to see things from a different view? What if you pretended to believe that things could be different and began to envision them being different?

This kind of "flipping the script" is the basis of the Law of Attraction. It's the cornerstone of creating the life you want. It can literally change your world.

When you allow limited, confined thinking to be your core belief system, your life will duly reflect it. Being rigid about what you believe gives you no chance of experiencing what you truly want. You simply resign yourself to, this-is-the-way-it's-going-to-be-and-nothings-going-to-change-it.

On the other hand, having some "thinking" flexibility will begin to free you to see that there just might be another way. It will open your mind to new possibilities instead of the self-imprisoned mind set you've chosen to hold onto for dear life.

If you find yourself in a situation and you believe there is no way out, ask yourself, what do you believe about this and why do you believe it? Our beliefs govern what we do, say and think, so make sure what you choose to believe will serve you well instead of hold you back.

Some beliefs aren't even true. We just tell ourselves they are and whatever you believe, you're right!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Conquer the fear that dwells within your mind.
Kill the thoughts of negativity with the motion of positivity.
Drown the voices of naysayers, with the voices of your prayers
Stand up! Step out! Take a chance on yourself even if no one else will.  The first step is the hardest, and you may fail but as a baby learning to walk, you will get back up and you take the next step.

Learning something new is always easier once you have learned it.
Fear has no power other than the power you give it. Believe in your ability to learn, your ability to adapt and except and embrace change as it comes. From the time of your birth you have overcome and adjusted to change, it doesn't stop unless you allow the fear to cloud your mind, darken your sight and consume your heart. Fear is no match for self-love, self-respect and self-confidence. Faith in God and Faith in yourself will extinguish any fears and any foe. Give yourself positive affirmation each day! God loves me, I love me and with him I am fearless and unstoppable! Know that you have the ability to be Great!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Have an Attitude of Gratitude!

Be thankful for the new day you've been given (because you get another chance to make a change)
Be thankful for those beautiful children (no matter how stressed they may make you at times, they represent all the beauty in you.
Be thankful for the food you have (no matter what it is)
Be thankful for the clothes you have (no matter how few)
Be thankful for the family you have (no matter how close you are)
Be thankful for the body you have (be comfortable in your own skin no matter who doesn't like it)
Be thankful for the color of your skin (God made everyone beautiful in different shades)
Be thankful for the changes in your life (no matter how much some may hurt there is always a light of hope at the other end)
Be thankful for the good people that come in your life (no matter how long they stay the memories never go away.)
Be thankful for the bad people who are taking from your life (remember there ways so you can recognize the next one when they come again in another face and form.)
Be thankful for the hard times (because these are the times the make the good times great!)
Be thankful for the good times (and share them with others to receive your blessings)
Be thankful for your life (no matter the state it is now because you can change it)
Be thankful for today (and pray that you are blessed with a tomorrow)

Be thankful just because you have so much to be thankful for!

Copyright © 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Believe in You

This was something I wrote in honor of my son.




The real you, the one you hide

The who, the you; that you know you are

The man, the boy, the child inside

The you; with laughter in your heart trying to get out


I know your heart is true

Your kindness and warmth is like a quiet storm

That embraces us like a pair of strong arms

Your strong black stature, your deep loving nature        Million Black Men March

Your caring fatherly spirit

Your loving words

Touches us like a warm kiss of mist across the lips


The beauty that I see, the love that I feel

I know you’re a strong black man who can deal

As I know your passions is real


Just look inside you will see what you’ve overcome

And that your life isn’t done

You can do anything if you put your mind to it

Just conquer your fear and do it


What you have to give

What you have yet to receive

That you cannot leave


Your life's foundation is strong

Your heart is pure

With real self- love I know you can endure

And your life will take off and soar

Believe in yourself, like I believe in you!


Written by Davette Anderson
Copyright © 2004

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pray for me

Copyright (c) 2011 Davette Anderson

Pray for me as I am human with my flaws
Pray for me and teach me God's laws
Pray for me to help me fight my fears
Pray for me to help me stop my tears
Pray for me to give me strength in my everyday life
Pray for me to fight off all the worlds strife.
Pray for me when I am feeling weak
Pray for me when I can not speak
Pray with me when I am strong
Pray for me when I feel I can't go on
Pray for me when I lose my way
Pray for me to get through the long day
Pray for me as a true friend
Pray for me to fight off sin
Pray for me to have a happy ending to my story
Pray for me to live a life of glory
Pray for me as I pray for you my friend

Positivity attract it in your Life today!

Attract positivity into your life today, with your thoughts and the words formed from those thoughts. Don't allow anyone or anything plant a seed of negativity into your mind, do not feed into negative situation that you may come across. Don't allow yourself to be pulled into situations that do not affect you. Friends that bring you negativity are not your friends. When faced with a problem seek the solution never focus on the problem. Surround yourself with positivity, from the way you think, to the way you talk, make your action positive to attract positive reactions, be a beacon of positivity. If your life not going the way you want it to go make a positivity plan. A plan that outlines how you are going to turn the negative aspects of your life into positive ones. Now know that none of this will be easy nor will it happen over night. It only takes one step at a time, be patient, positive and persistent and you can create the life you dream of through Positivity.