Friday, September 30, 2011

Free Your Mind

Copyright (c) Davette Anderson

Free your Mind from Temptation
Free your Mind from Desperation
Free your Mind from Aggravation
Free your mind from Degradation
Free your mind of the humiliations
Free your mind from all the laziness and craziness
Free your mind of all the bad times and sad times
Free your mind of your should've, could've would'ves
Fill your mind with Contemplation
Free your mind with Mediation
Fill your mind with Joy and Happiness
Cure your mind with with laughter and gladness
Clear your mind of all your fears
Because the Lord Almighty is always here!


No matter your age, or the place you are in your life, your dreams are still possible. Holding onto your dreams will mean letting go of whatever is standing in your way. Protect your dream and don't let anyone distract or tell you, you can't. We make excuses such as we haven't got the time, money or education and this may sound cliche but "if you have the will there is a way". you must be determined, persistent, resilient, and relentless because the road to any one's big dream the road is an uphill battle that you are going to  have to scratch and claw your way up.  Nothing worth having comes easy, but it will be most satisfying once you accomplish it.  We are all born with the strength to do anything we set our minds to do, what we must do if you feel beaten or defeated is to take yourself outside of your current situation (if only in your mind) and put yourself where you want to be.  For every obstacle or challenge there is a solution, with every dream there is sacrifice and you must be willing to make the sacrifices to reap the benefits. Begin by making a plan to get from where you are to where you want to be, once you see it written the solutions will begin to appear. A team is what makes a successful dream! Start building you one today!

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."
Arthur Ashe

"You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one."
Henry D. Thoreau

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Those Who Give the Most Get the Most

Those who give the most, get the most. And, if you've noticed, "It's all about me" just doesn't work.

The  Law of Reciprocity at work. One simple way to think about this is "If you want heat out of the stove, you gotta first put in some wood." I think this takes some time to learn; like many spiritual laws, it doesn't at first make logical sense. The mind thinks "Hey, if I give all my time, money, and energy to OTHERS, then I'll have none for myself." And on one level that's true. The reason the mind thinks this, is because it looks out on the world as a separate and singular entity focused on survival and does not see or experience the web of connections and energy CIRCULATING and always seeking balance.

Now, with that said, YOU DO have to be smart about educating people how to give to you, and you do have to be willing to receive. This is not a martyr thing we're talking about here. What we are talking about is our soul's path and service in the world - that place where we light up and the world lights up. Where giving IS receiving. The irony is that on the way to discovering this place, IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU. It often takes some serious introspection to get to the real heart of why you are here and what there is for you to do. However, eventually the tide must shift as you discover what difference this authentic work of yours makes in the world. At that point, it becomes about others AND you. It's not either/or, it's both/and.

Finding and giving your gifts is a major part of the rewards. It's about finding your unique place where giving truly becomes gaining. Welcome to the world of Both/And.

 We all have a role in the functioning of the community, at one or many levels. It's essential we each play our authentic, inspired role, while allowing others to play theirs, whatever that may be and however that may look. We are giving of ourselves in this role, and getting back everything: contentment, fulfillment, joy, inspiration.

Life Force Energy can be expressed and transmitted in an infinite number of ways, the question is: What is YOUR way? Find that, embrace that, and I guarantee you will be more than happy. You will "get" by giving of your true self in your true role.

 ALL WORK CAN BE SOUL WORK. It makes no difference WHAT you are doing. What matters is that it is YOUR WORK TO DO.

Spend a few minutes right now reflecting on how you are spending your days. How many of the moments in your typical day do you truly enjoy? Are you enthusiastic, lit up, and inspired? Or are you going through the motions looking forward to the weekends? Reflect on those moments where you are enthusiastic, where time stands still, where you feel relaxed yet excited. What is it about those moments that you love so much? Write it down, and then commit to doing more of that right now - you deserve it, and so do the people around you!

"Change yourself and fortune will change with you."~Portugese Proverb

Congratulations! You're one step closer to your mojo!

Plan your way to Success

When you start a business, many business experts advise you to write a business plan ( a road map to where you want the business to go) well in order to be successful in life you should also have your own Success Plan. Having this plan will enable you to make better choices in people, situations, business deals and in life in general.  Now plans do not always work as you expect but you can compensate for minor hiccups but nothing works at all, when you don't have any plan in place.  Develop your own success plan, start now to organizing your life closet.  Figure out what is going on now, what you want to being happening in the present and how you want it to be in your future. 

"If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else."~Yogi Berra

Starting now plan the direction you want your life to go in.  The choice is yours!

Top 10 Ways To Stay Motivated

From time to time, everyone gets a little down on motivation. As a web entrepreneur you really do need a reliable trigger to enable yourself to keep going, particularly when you're first starting out and things aren't happening so quickly. Different things work for different people, and some may even find a combination of these to be most effective. Below are what I've found in order to be the most useful sources of motivation - and I hope you find them useful too.

#10 - Your Past Accomplishments

You've already achieved great things in your life so far. Remember what it was like to come out the other side, how good it felt and what challenges you were able to overcome. Look back on your previous work to find a little of yourself you may have lost and find a way to re-inject it into what you're working on now. You've done it before - you can do it again.

#9 - Your Past Failures

Failure is rarely pleasant for the majority of people, but it always offers a unique learning experience. Put some of those lessons into practice when you go about your next attempt at something. Prove to yourself that you can do better, and let failure be the kick in the pants that drives you to greater heights than you had previously imagined.

#8 - Watch Others Succeed

It is often very uplifting to look at others who are attempting similar things to you and having success. Look at what they're doing and what you're not, and let their success prove that what you're trying to achieve is really possible. And if they can do it, so can you.

#7 - Things You Want

While it's not always reliable, thinking about what physical possessions success will eventually allow you to have can be a powerful motivator - particularly when used in a visual way. Don't rely on it too heavily though as it can lead you to focus on achieving success for the wrong reasons, and if you have a setback your first response will be in the vain of "now I can't have that". Hence, focusing on what you should be getting, rather than what you should be becoming.

#6 - Imagine It Done

Have you ever looked at a large mess in the kitchen and thought "well, I know it won't be pleasant but I'll feel better when it's done" and used that as your motivation to clean it up? Focusing on the end result can also work for getting through many other unpleasant activities, as well as others you often struggle to get started with.

#5 - Follow A Daily Mantra

Write your own set of personal rules that you can read and stick to each day. This should not be too specific like "today I will take out the trash, today I will go to the store and pick up the groceries at approximately two o'clock" but should be more along the lines of "today I will achieve all I can, today I will not be bothered by outside influence, today I will make more time for me" and so on.

#4 - Take Time To Escape

There are many ways in which you can choose to simply get away from it all. You can travel to someplace new, watch a movie, read a book, listen to some music or even take a nap. When you come back you'll feel recharged and ready to tackle whatever you need to get done.

#3 - Be Accountable To Others

Tell other people close to you what you're doing and what you're trying to achieve. You'll find that by simply having someone to report to every now and then, you're much more likely to strive harder and put more effort in so that you can share your accomplishments.

#2 - Find Others With Similar Interests

There are few greater forms of motivation than surrounding yourself with people who share the same goals and interests. Photographers have photographer friends, writers have friends who are also writers, musicians form bands, fitness freaks go to the gym together and businessmen often have drinks after work (though, partly because nobody else likes them). This gives you a sense of kinship, allows you to compare notes and generally drives you to achieve more to get some form of recognition or respect among your peers.

#1 - Take Care Of Your Body

Without a doubt, what you do to your body has the greatest potential to influence your mind. If you're finding it hard to focus, then chances are your diet is bad. If you're low on energy or feel tired all the time, then you're not sleeping or exercising enough. By putting the right stuff into your body, you'll get the maximum from your mind. All other methods for staying motivated have the potential to run dry, but not this one - if you continually look after your body, then your mind will rarely struggle with motivation. Prior to writing this I had some scientifically-enhanced oatmeal, a bowl of yogurt, two pieces of fruit and a glass of orange juice - whoa, what a hit!

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is not something you can change overnight, with all things it takes time, but in order for the change to come you must practice and put in the time. So each morning you wake up take a moment giving thanks, put on your suit of armor (which consist of love, joy and laughter) that will ward off any negative person or situation. Now, if things became too challenging during the course of the day, remember to take a break, and  take another moment to ask for strength. If you find yourself swelling with anger change your focus, think of something or someone that brings you joy.  Read uplifting books of challenge to triumph, listen uplifting positive music or motivation CD's and watch lots of comedy. Stay away from negative people, situations and media (whether its TV, Radio, News, Newspapers, Magazines, etc.) Now I understand old habits are the hardest to break but if you truly want change and a better life style then you must to do the hard things in order to enjoy the real pleasures in life. It all starts with Positive Thinking! "I know you CAN!"

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." ~Aristotle

"Don't wait for someone else to provide you the happiness and love you desire, make yourself happy and love yourself." ~Davette Anderson

Copyright (c)  2011