Being optimistic doesn't take away what is occurring, but it does help make what you are going through easier to endure and, if you are having an awesome day, it only adds to that which is positive already. It's a win, win situation.
You see, what's taking place today is taking place. Being positive can generally turn around your mood, and even your day as well. If nothing else, being encouraging beats being discouraging, doesn't it?
There are days when your feet haven't even hit the floor to begin your day and you are in a not-so-good space, and it is far from being positive. Have you ever had one of these days?
Then there are ones where nothing seems to go your way. It's like you are walking around with your shoe laces untied and tripping up constantly. Have you experienced a day like this?
Sometimes you know you are in for some trying days, emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually, and you aren't looking forward to them by any means. Do you know these types of days?
How about when things occur unexpectedly and turn your world upside down in a moment's flash. Do you know this one?
Ah! then there are the days that just couldn't be any better. Do you know these days? Well, everyday may not always measure up to being the best day ever because things happen, but you can still remain positive either way.
Throughout my 48 years, I have, and continue to have my share of scary, trying, unsettling, anxious, stressful, sad, heated, and best days ever.
What I have come to realize is, no matter what, today is the day to be positive.
However I'm feeling, I can choose how I continue to experience the rest of my day.
In spite of everything, I can think positively and see the gifts and blessings surrounding me, or not. It is my choice, and it's yours as well.
You might have some days where you aren't interested in feeling optimistic, nor do you care, but know that is your choice also.
Maybe your emotions are too high, raw, or scattered at the moment, that's okay. Take care of you. Be aware of your moods and be gentle with yourself, and when you are ready, and you will be, you can choose to be encouraging again.
When you are having the best day ever, don't take it for granted. Enjoy it. Appreciate your positivity and all this glorious day is offering you.
If you are stuck in a rut of day, how can you be more positive? Choose to be.
As you move through your day, stop for a moment once in awhile. Check in with yourself. How are you doing? No, really, how are you doing?
Sometimes we don't even realize that we are being grumpy, edgy, short, or blaming and complaining, or feeling down, until we stop what we are doing for a minute.
When you do pause, notice if you have been being positive or negative.
If you realize you are being unhelpful, how can you be helpful again to yourself, the situation, or another?
How can you make your day lighter and brighter?
If your friend was having a hard time, what would you say or do to help them? Can you do this for yourself?
Remember, we are creatures of habit, so make it a habit to be positive.
Use these techniques to assist you in seeing where you can be more positive in your life and the benefits to you and your life by being so.